Children of Righteousness

Greetings to all disciples and potential disciples of Jesus Christ. Today, the featured message talks about four principles of godly righteousness that every child of God should know and experience. Righteousness (1) identifies us as the children of God, (2) citizens of Heaven, (3) determines our fate in Judgement and (4) unlocks Favor and Blessing. Awareness of same is guaranteed to transform your understanding and viewpoint of what is true righteousness and the benefits of same.

Speaker: Sensei Bearl Yuille.

In Me, As It Is In Heaven

There is a powerful shift in the land originating from the kingdom of God, are you ready for it?  This change will require disciples to check themselves and possibly change together with what’s happening. Our prayer for the Lord’s kingdom to come on earth should be directed within ourselves first before the manifestation takes place outside in the world. I hope that this message from Bearl Yuille blesses your heart and mind.

September 2016 – CW Audio Recordings

new2All Camp of Winds recorded sessions for the month of September 2016 have been posted up. Please note that to access these, you will have to know the password for both the Disciple’s Portal and the Camp of Winds portal. When inside, you can simply go to the page.