Event – Portals Of Heaven BE!

Global Prophetic Ministries hosts another global apostolic-prophetic event this week – Portals Of Heaven BE! A strategic mobilization of our God’s people to action against the works of darkness. This is a call for the church to hear God, move in faith and overcome the enemy by the Authority bestowed upon us. Join the Facebook LIVE stream on the GPM Facebook Page.

Priesthood Webinar Videos

The video recordings for our recent webinar – A Discipleship Perspective On Biblical Priesthood have been posted to our YouTube Channel. You can now view both days at your convenience and please Like and Comment if blessed. Also, feel free to subscribe to the channel to view our past upcoming content.


Fear Not – Focus on Him

The Bible gives two accounts in the gospels of Matthew (Ch.14 v.13-21) and Mark (Ch.8 v.1-9) of Jesus feeding multitudes with a few loaves of bread and some fish. The key to these miracles performed by the Lord is that He did not focus on what they lacked, but rather He focused on what they had, then did what seemed impossible.
Friends, in this time where there is much talk about sickness and death – endeavor to turn your attention to the good things that surround you. Appreciation of your blessings will create an atmosphere of well-being, give God thanks for those things. By focusing on what you have you foster an environment for the miraculous and impossible to take place.

Further to this, be challenged to do more than just give thanks but rather do whatever you can to make things better for your family, neighbor and country. Don’t focus on the cannots but push hard to do what you can.

Stay safe.

An apostolic-prophetic word from Apostle Dr Ricardo Vincent speaking to the global church regarding the world’s most recent epidemic. He gives spiritual insight into the strategies being employed and calls upon the Body of Christ to respond in the right manner. Please take time to listen and consider what the Lord is saying to His People.

Real Fathers

This transforming messaged is a must-listen to all men, and especially fathers. Dr Myles Munroe, a true torchbearer of this generation, dissects and brings potent revelation from the Mind of God in the realm of the spirit to us. Be blessed.

IPAC 2019 Conference – 11th Hour Accelereation TICKETS!

TICKET Locations for this event are AVAILABLE at these LOCATIONS! Call or email to register today – Phone 486-0708, Email gpmmsgs@gmail.com. EARLY BIRD prices for a limited time. The Academy of Jesus Christ will be at this event.

Conference – 11th Hour Acceleration & Spiritual Alignment

IPAC 2019


How easy are receiving the Promises now?
Where is God taking the Church?
Powerful Revelation & Impartation.
Daily Prophetic Ministry.
Healing Teams on Hand.

Relationships workshop (Sat).

Powerful Worship.

Call 486-0708 or email gpmmsgs@gmail.com TO REGISTER. More details on Facebook link.

Death, Life and The Great Harvest

IN THESE LAST DAYS, the Lord is mobilizing His Church to press towards the mark of the high calling. To preach the gospel and gather as many souls as possible into His Kingdom, for His Return is very near. This message looks at God’s Plan of salvation for mankind from a different angle. I pray that you will be a dedicated laborer in the Great End-Time Harvest.

Credited to: Global Prophetic Ministries

March Deliverance Service at GPM

In this season, where the Lord is raising up violent men and women of God to take the Kingdom, we need to know the strategies and skills that are required to effectively wage and win this spiritual war.

TODAY! At Global Prophetic Ministries, 14 Rushworth Street, San Fernando. Prophetic ministering from 5:30 to 6:30pm. Worship Service at 6:30pm. We will also be streaming live on Facebook from the Global Prophetic Ministries page.

What Is Warfare

Today, we are defining and discussing warfare as it applies in every day life and zoning in on spiritual warfare as it relates to the disciple. The Academy of Jesus Christ as an institution exists to equip disciples as spiritual warriors. Everyone needs to know and understand the fundamentals of warfare so that they will be able to stand in the evil day (Eph. 6:11) – right now, we are in the evil day. It is our prayer that you take hold of the provision and power that Jesus has made available to us Do enjoy and be blessed.

What Is Prayer

One of the most important tools and weapon that the disciple can be equipped with is prayer. The skill of praying is essential to the life of every person, and key in the waging of spiritual warfare, spiritual development, personal growth and daily sustenance.  The Bible encourages us to pray always (Eph. 6:18) and without ceasing (1 Thes. 5.17) so that we will be effective in our walk with the Lord. This video lesson outlines what is prayer, and also what it isn’t; it also looks at the reasons for pray and some of the types of prayers that we use. Be edified .

What Is Man

The understanding of oneself is a treasure of a lifetime, mankind as a race was conceived and exists with great purpose and intent. This video dives into a holistic view of Man as a divinely-created being and shines light on how we are viewed by God. Also, how we need to see ourselves and others. Do enjoy. Questions and comments are welcomed.

The Battle

This video introduces the spiritual conflict that wages day in and day out in the lives of all who inhabit heaven and earth. It is imperative that the disciple learns about those things that affect him, and become knowledgeable in the things of the spirit, so that you can walk according to your conviction. The battle between the kingdoms involves everyone, we must understand what is the objective, know the enemies we are dealing with and be in tune with God’s strategy for his people. May this teaching bring enlightenment and guidance to you.

Feel free to send us an email – maestro@ajc.world

Subscribe to our YouTube channel AND to the AJC website to receive updates.

Little by Little

All disciples are created with purpose and called to serve in different capacities unto the Kingdom of Heaven. Our Comforter, the Holy Spirit, guides us into all truth and teaches us to walk according to our gifts and calling. Jesus was perfect unto death and set an example for us to follow in all areas of ministry; He admonishes us to walk in like manner after Him. However, this spiritual walk is new and strange to us and seems an insurmountable task at times to walk as He did.

Every great accomplishment had a simple beginning. As every human being starts off as a single fertilized egg, so too, great achievements often Continue reading “Little by Little”