Fear Not – Focus on Him

The Bible gives two accounts in the gospels of Matthew (Ch.14 v.13-21) and Mark (Ch.8 v.1-9) of Jesus feeding multitudes with a few loaves of bread and some fish. The key to these miracles performed by the Lord is that He did not focus on what they lacked, but rather He focused on what they had, then did what seemed impossible.
Friends, in this time where there is much talk about sickness and death – endeavor to turn your attention to the good things that surround you. Appreciation of your blessings will create an atmosphere of well-being, give God thanks for those things. By focusing on what you have you foster an environment for the miraculous and impossible to take place.

Further to this, be challenged to do more than just give thanks but rather do whatever you can to make things better for your family, neighbor and country. Don’t focus on the cannots but push hard to do what you can.

Stay safe.

Apostolic Prophetic Service – Oct 29th, 2017

You are invited to join in attendance and fellowship this Sunday October 29th, 2017. The program starts at 5:30pm. Come and experience lively music, timely teaching and personal prayer and ministering for everyone. The venue is Global Prophetic Ministries located at 14 Rushworth Street, San Fernando.

Disaster Readiness

Everywhere we look there seems to be something catastrophic happening; powerful hurricanes, devastating earthquakes, missile launches, tsunamis, flooding and you name it. It is truly a trying time for many as they try to recover, and some might think that it is just a matter of time until they are affected or they pray that the danger stays at bay. Amidst all that is happening, the question is inevitable Continue reading “Disaster Readiness”

New Year Greetings from the AJC

It is a time of war and a time of conflict, however, regardless of circumstance one should strive that there be no conflict within oneself. In this world, I pray that you have peace amidst the storms of chaos that swirl around us.

Where there was once unity; lines are now being drawn – the separation of the wheat and the tears. As the Lord has taught us Continue reading “New Year Greetings from the AJC”