Conference – 11th Hour Acceleration & Spiritual Alignment

IPAC 2019


How easy are receiving the Promises now?
Where is God taking the Church?
Powerful Revelation & Impartation.
Daily Prophetic Ministry.
Healing Teams on Hand.

Relationships workshop (Sat).

Powerful Worship.

Call 486-0708 or email TO REGISTER. More details on Facebook link.

What Is Warfare

Today, we are defining and discussing warfare as it applies in every day life and zoning in on spiritual warfare as it relates to the disciple. The Academy of Jesus Christ as an institution exists to equip disciples as spiritual warriors. Everyone needs to know and understand the fundamentals of warfare so that they will be able to stand in the evil day (Eph. 6:11) – right now, we are in the evil day. It is our prayer that you take hold of the provision and power that Jesus has made available to us Do enjoy and be blessed.

Children of Righteousness

Greetings to all disciples and potential disciples of Jesus Christ. Today, the featured message talks about four principles of godly righteousness that every child of God should know and experience. Righteousness (1) identifies us as the children of God, (2) citizens of Heaven, (3) determines our fate in Judgement and (4) unlocks Favor and Blessing. Awareness of same is guaranteed to transform your understanding and viewpoint of what is true righteousness and the benefits of same.

Speaker: Sensei Bearl Yuille.


In the life of the believer, repentance is a key component that unlocks treasures of righteousness in our life. The pull of worldly things beckon us on a daily basis, however, in order to fight them off, we must turn away from them. Resisting the god of this world will cause him to flee from us, however, there is another enemy within ourselves that we must also resist. As we learn about repentance, I hope that you are equipped to continually say ‘no’ to evil and ‘yes’ to God.