Teaching on Genuine Conversion

Total CONVERSION is key to becoming a true disciple of Christ, whereas partial commitment will cause us to not make the cut. This message is target at those who are committed to becoming fruitful citizens of the Kingdom of God. However, desire and zeal are not enough to walk the walk, we need to be converted so that the devil will no longer have any hold on us. We pray that you receive and are enlightened in some way from this message.

The Virtues of Confession in God’s Kingdom

In this message, we explore a biblical perspective of confession and its relation to living a righteous life in the kingdom of God. There are three applications of confession identified 1) confession of sin 2) confession of righteousness and 3) Godly confession. This message looks at the confession of King David versus the Apostle Peter, listen and learn about the benefits of righteous confession. NOTE: Please note that the audio is somewhat low, so you may need to turn up your volume. 

Location – Global Prophetic Ministries, San Fernando, Trinidad & Tobago. Credits: Dr. Ricardo N. Vincent, Senior Apostle, Global Prophetic Ministries. Minister – Bearl Yuille.  Date – Sept 6th, 2018.