The Armor of God

As the disciple ventures into the world of spiritual warfare, it is important to be properly equipped and prepared for what one has to face. God, through the Apostle Paul, has given us the seven spiritual virtues that makes up the Armor of God that empower us to step out with confidence on the spiritual battlefield. The spiritual warrior ought to strive to always be in a constant state of readiness, hence the donning of the armor of God becomes a daily virtue and practice in itself. Do enjoy.


New Year Greetings from the AJC

It is a time of war and a time of conflict, however, regardless of circumstance one should strive that there be no conflict within oneself. In this world, I pray that you have peace amidst the storms of chaos that swirl around us.

Where there was once unity; lines are now being drawn – the separation of the wheat and the tears. As the Lord has taught us Continue reading “New Year Greetings from the AJC”