The video recordings for our recent webinar – A Discipleship Perspective On Biblical Priesthood have been posted to our YouTubeChannel. You can now view both days at your convenience and please Like and Comment if blessed. Also, feel free to subscribe to the channel to view our past upcoming content.
This transforming messaged is a must-listen to all men, and especially fathers. Dr Myles Munroe, a true torchbearer of this generation, dissects and brings potent revelationfrom the Mind of God in the realm of the spirit to us. Be blessed.
TICKET Locations for this event are AVAILABLEat these LOCATIONS! Call or email to register today – Phone 486-0708, Email EARLY BIRD prices for a limited time. The Academy of Jesus Christ will be at this event.
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Where is God taking the Church?
Powerful Revelation & Impartation.
Daily Prophetic Ministry.
Healing Teams on Hand.
Relationships workshop (Sat).
Powerful Worship.
Call 486-0708 or email gpmmsgs@gmail.comTO REGISTER. More details on Facebook link.
Gain understanding and fresh revelation for this season, understand Who You Are from God’s perspective. Why did He create YOU and what are YOU capable of? For those HE foreknew, He predestined, called, justified and glorified. (Romans 8:29-30)Â
Join Global Prophetic Ministries THIS SUNDAY May 19th, 2019 for Guest Speaker Pastor Ty Hutchinson from Ocala, Florida as he shares God’s Word with us. Time – 9:30am, 14 Rushworth Street, San Fernando. Come early, as seating is limited.
IN THESE LAST DAYS, the Lord is mobilizing His Church to press towards the mark of the high calling. To preach the gospel and gather as many souls as possible into His Kingdom, for His Return is very near. This message looks at God’s Plan of salvation for mankind from a different angle. I pray that you will be a dedicated laborer in the Great End-Time Harvest.
As the disciple ventures into the world of spiritual warfare, it is important to be properly equipped and prepared for what one has to face. God, through the Apostle Paul, has given us the seven spiritual virtues that makes up the Armor of Godthat empower us to step out with confidence on the spiritual battlefield. The spiritual warrior ought to strive to always be in a constant state of readiness, hence the donning of the armor of God becomes a daily virtue and practice in itself. Do enjoy.
As we go deeper into prayer, it is important that the disciples of Jesus Christ polish themselves in certain must-have disciplines, of which praying in the spirit is one of them. This includes the praying in tongues which consists of a wide variety of earthly and heavenly languages, and even some unknown ones. This lesson looks at how to recognize and the benefits of praying in the Spirit. Praying in the spirit stirs up the spiritual part of the man and exercises and empowers it through the interaction with the Holy Spirit. We do hope that you are edified through this message. Feel free to ask a question or leave a comment.
One of the most important tools and weapon that the disciple can be equipped with is prayer. The skill of praying is essential to the life of every person, and key in the waging of spiritual warfare, spiritual development, personal growth and daily sustenance. The Bible encourages us to pray always (Eph. 6:18) and without ceasing (1 Thes. 5.17) so that we will be effective in our walk with the Lord. This video lesson outlines what is prayer, and also what it isn’t; it also looks at the reasons for pray and some of the types of prayers that we use. Be edified .
Greetings to all disciples and potential disciples of Jesus Christ. Today, the featured message talks about four principles of godly righteousnessthat every child of God should know and experience. Righteousness (1) identifies us as the children of God, (2) citizens of Heaven, (3) determines our fate in Judgement and (4) unlocks Favor and Blessing. Awareness of same is guaranteed to transform your understanding and viewpoint of what is true righteousness and the benefits of same.
This video introduces the spiritual conflict that wages day in and day out in the lives of all who inhabit heaven and earth. It is imperative that the disciple learns about those things that affect him, and become knowledgeable in the things of the spirit, so that you can walk according to your conviction. The battle between the kingdoms involves everyone, we must understand what is the objective, know the enemies we are dealing with and be in tune with God’s strategyfor his people. May this teaching bring enlightenment and guidance to you.
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In the life of the believer, repentance is a key component that unlocks treasures of righteousness in our life. The pull of worldly things beckon us on a daily basis, however, in order to fight them off, we must turn away from them. Resisting the god of this world will cause him to flee from us, however, there is another enemy within ourselves that we must also resist. As we learn about repentance, I hope that you are equipped to continually say ‘no’ to evil and ‘yes’ to God.
The featured teaching centers around the definition, existence and interaction of various realms; tangible and intangible. The disciple must be knowledgeable of those things that he is required to influence and even those that he/she should not interact with, and the right ways in which to do so. As you view this introduction to the topic, be enlightened and aware of the realms that surround us.
There is a constant spiritual war taking place around us, and the means by which it is waged heavily involves the use of words. Take heart and know that the word of God reigns supreme in every battle, however, the disciple must first become skillful in understanding, assimilating and using this all powerful word. I pray that this message brings you insight and enlightenment.
We live in a world of words. However, there are words that edify and others that destroy. Every believer ought to become knowledgeable and skillful in the use of words in order to navigate his/her daily walk. More importantly, we need to become intimate with the word of God as our primary source, weapon and sustenance. Do meditate on this teaching.