Fear Not – Focus on Him

The Bible gives two accounts in the gospels of Matthew (Ch.14 v.13-21) and Mark (Ch.8 v.1-9) of Jesus feeding multitudes with a few loaves of bread and some fish. The key to these miracles performed by the Lord is that He did not focus on what they lacked, but rather He focused on what they had, then did what seemed impossible.
Friends, in this time where there is much talk about sickness and death – endeavor to turn your attention to the good things that surround you. Appreciation of your blessings will create an atmosphere of well-being, give God thanks for those things. By focusing on what you have you foster an environment for the miraculous and impossible to take place.

Further to this, be challenged to do more than just give thanks but rather do whatever you can to make things better for your family, neighbor and country. Don’t focus on the cannots but push hard to do what you can.

Stay safe.

IPAC 2019 Conference – 11th Hour Accelereation TICKETS!

TICKET Locations for this event are AVAILABLE at these LOCATIONS! Call or email to register today – Phone 486-0708, Email gpmmsgs@gmail.com. EARLY BIRD prices for a limited time. The Academy of Jesus Christ will be at this event.


In the life of the believer, repentance is a key component that unlocks treasures of righteousness in our life. The pull of worldly things beckon us on a daily basis, however, in order to fight them off, we must turn away from them. Resisting the god of this world will cause him to flee from us, however, there is another enemy within ourselves that we must also resist. As we learn about repentance, I hope that you are equipped to continually say ‘no’ to evil and ‘yes’ to God.

AJC Video – Realms

The featured teaching centers around the definition, existence and interaction of various realms; tangible and intangible. The disciple must be knowledgeable of those things that he is required to influence and even those that he/she should not interact with, and the right ways in which to do so. As you view this introduction to the topic, be enlightened and aware of the realms that surround us.

AJC Video – Words Part 2

There is a constant spiritual war taking place around us, and the means by which it is waged heavily involves the use of words. Take heart and know that the word of God reigns supreme in every battle, however, the disciple must first become skillful in understanding, assimilating and using this all powerful word. I pray that this message brings you insight and enlightenment.

Shalom to all God’s disciples.


We live in a world of words. However, there are words that edify and others that destroy. Every believer ought to become knowledgeable and skillful in the use of words in order to navigate his/her daily walk. More importantly, we need to become intimate with the word of God as our primary source, weapon and sustenance. Do meditate on this teaching.