IAPC 2017 Conference – Now, Heaven Is Here

All are invited to attend this life-changing event. Global Prophetic Ministries is once again hosting this year’s International Apostolic & Prophetic Conference at Trinity College East in Trincity on June 15th, 17th and 19th, 2017. Tickets are now available from committee members. You can also inquire on the facebook event page. See you there!

Prophetic Activation and Discipleship

gpm-logoGlobal Prophetic Ministries has now modified their Thursday evening service to include prophetic activation and instruction to all persons wishing to receive such training. Apostle Ricardo is extending this invitation to believers so inclined and has provided an environment for all to learn more and practice using their spiritual gifts. The Prophetic Activation and Discipleship service starts at 6:30pm every Thursday and takes place at the church building at #14 Rushworth Street, San Fernando. FREE of charge!

School of the Prophets – Training Course.

Global Prophetic Ministries is once again offering the School of the Prophets training seminar (which will take the form of five Saturday sessions).

2016 School of the ProphetsThe course will commence on Saturday Sept 24th, 2016.

There is a registration and material cost.

 TT $600. (All sessions)

click on the image to go to the facebook event for more information.

The venue will be at the Global Prophetic church building at #14 Rushworth St., San F’do.

1st Assembly of Disciples

I would like to send out a heartfelt thanks once again for everyone who made The Academy of Jesus Christ‘s 1st Assembly of Disciples a success. From the those who took time from their schedules and traveled from Tobago to those who prepared items and helped with the program. A special thanks once again to Global Prophetic Ministries for the venue and support by the worship team and ushers, we could not have done it without you – much love to Apostles Dr. Ricardo & Kathleen Vincent.

Graduating Class pic

And congratulations to all those who graduated! Stay focus on the mark of the High calling in Christ.