New Year Greetings from the AJC

It is a time of war and a time of conflict, however, regardless of circumstance one should strive that there be no conflict within oneself. In this world, I pray that you have peace amidst the storms of chaos that swirl around us.

Where there was once unity; lines are now being drawn – the separation of the wheat and the tears. As the Lord has taught us Continue reading “New Year Greetings from the AJC”

Merry Christmas 2016

Celebrating the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ by remembering and honoring the sacrifice that He was born to make for us.

Let there be peace on earth and goodwill towards all men.

Happy Christmas greetings from the AJC!

Creating Your Future – Trista Sue Kragh

Seasons Greetings to all disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ. Special blessings to those who are actively advancing and teaching the Kingdom, grace be unto you that you neither faint not in your good works done in love and unto God.

As we look to a new year, I found this video to contain some simple but powerful nuggets that can be helpful in focusing on your vision in Christ for the new year. Good preparation increases your focus and chances at victory. Do enjoy – Note: Teaching on video starts at 2:15.

Prophetic Activation and Discipleship

gpm-logoGlobal Prophetic Ministries has now modified their Thursday evening service to include prophetic activation and instruction to all persons wishing to receive such training. Apostle Ricardo is extending this invitation to believers so inclined and has provided an environment for all to learn more and practice using their spiritual gifts. The Prophetic Activation and Discipleship service starts at 6:30pm every Thursday and takes place at the church building at #14 Rushworth Street, San Fernando. FREE of charge!

September 2016 – CW Audio Recordings

new2All Camp of Winds recorded sessions for the month of September 2016 have been posted up. Please note that to access these, you will have to know the password for both the Disciple’s Portal and the Camp of Winds portal. When inside, you can simply go to the page.

Purpose and Benefits of Worship – Video

Dr Myles Munroe shares a timely revelation and teaching on worship in the Kingdom. This message also contains valuable insight into how we can improve our worship and relationship with God. It shines light on some things that we may have been doing wrong and propels your worship to a new level. Click here to go to the video page and give it a listen.


Fellowship Lime – Oct 13th

The AJC is having their second fellowship lime coming up on 13th October, 2016 at 6:00 pm. A time of fun, fellowship, friendly rivalry and edification, not to mention food.


Media Page Added


The AJC website has just added a new page with pictures from events, audio recordings, videos and other useful media to the site. These can be accessed through the Media link in the menu at the top of the page. Stay tuned for more content as time passes. Feel free Continue reading “Media Page Added”

Good Listen – Kingdom Authority

This powerful message from (the promoted) Dr. Myles Munroe brings forth a timely and revolutionary truth regarding Kingdom authority. Understanding authority gives us a divine perspective on how to rightly execute our purpose and calling.

He who has an ear, let them hear.

School of the Prophets – Training Course.

Global Prophetic Ministries is once again offering the School of the Prophets training seminar (which will take the form of five Saturday sessions).

2016 School of the ProphetsThe course will commence on Saturday Sept 24th, 2016.

There is a registration and material cost.

 TT $600. (All sessions)

click on the image to go to the facebook event for more information.

The venue will be at the Global Prophetic church building at #14 Rushworth St., San F’do.

AJC Fellowship Lime – August 1st.

Greetings all. The AJC will be having its first family fellowship lime on Monday August 1st, 2016. Venue: Bearl’s residence. Jamie will be coordinating the event and sending the information and necessary items required. Bring the family and see you there!

1st Assembly of Disciples

I would like to send out a heartfelt thanks once again for everyone who made The Academy of Jesus Christ‘s 1st Assembly of Disciples a success. From the those who took time from their schedules and traveled from Tobago to those who prepared items and helped with the program. A special thanks once again to Global Prophetic Ministries for the venue and support by the worship team and ushers, we could not have done it without you – much love to Apostles Dr. Ricardo & Kathleen Vincent.

Graduating Class pic

And congratulations to all those who graduated! Stay focus on the mark of the High calling in Christ.

Discipleship/Bible Study at GPM

This week the Academy of Jesus Christ will be joining with Global Prophetic Ministries this Thursday at their church building, #14 Rushworth Street, San Fernando. Starting time is 7:00 pm. Please contact Bearl for more info.

Events Page

Greetings all. We have just installed our new events page for the activities associated with the academy – our own, plus those of our brother ministries as well.

It can be found at the following link. EVENTS.

Welcome to the AJC


Welcome to the Official Website of the Academy of Jesus Christ – an organization whose vision and purpose is to continue in the teachings and work of Jesus Christ, by making and equipping disciples of Christ to do the work of the ministry as well as ministering to the world. Ultimately, every disciple should seek to continue to work of making more disciples of Christ.