Priesthood Webinar Videos

The video recordings for our recent webinar – A Discipleship Perspective On Biblical Priesthood have been posted to our YouTube Channel. You can now view both days at your convenience and please Like and Comment if blessed. Also, feel free to subscribe to the channel to view our past upcoming content.


What Is Prayer

One of the most important tools and weapon that the disciple can be equipped with is prayer. The skill of praying is essential to the life of every person, and key in the waging of spiritual warfare, spiritual development, personal growth and daily sustenance.  The Bible encourages us to pray always (Eph. 6:18) and without ceasing (1 Thes. 5.17) so that we will be effective in our walk with the Lord. This video lesson outlines what is prayer, and also what it isn’t; it also looks at the reasons for pray and some of the types of prayers that we use. Be edified .


We live in a world of words. However, there are words that edify and others that destroy. Every believer ought to become knowledgeable and skillful in the use of words in order to navigate his/her daily walk. More importantly, we need to become intimate with the word of God as our primary source, weapon and sustenance. Do meditate on this teaching.

AJC Video – What Is A Disciple

As we start drilling into the core of the Kingdom of God, today we are looking at what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. Today’s video defines the disciple and gives an introduction as to how to begin walking as a disciple. Do be blessed by this teaching.

Comments and questions are always welcomed.

Discipleship/Bible Study at GPM

This week the Academy of Jesus Christ will be joining with Global Prophetic Ministries this Thursday at their church building, #14 Rushworth Street, San Fernando. Starting time is 7:00 pm. Please contact Bearl for more info.