Event – Portals Of Heaven BE!

Global Prophetic Ministries hosts another global apostolic-prophetic event this week – Portals Of Heaven BE! A strategic mobilization of our God’s people to action against the works of darkness. This is a call for the church to hear God, move in faith and overcome the enemy by the Authority bestowed upon us. Join the Facebook LIVE stream on the GPM Facebook Page.

Priesthood Webinar Videos

The video recordings for our recent webinar – A Discipleship Perspective On Biblical Priesthood have been posted to our YouTube Channel. You can now view both days at your convenience and please Like and Comment if blessed. Also, feel free to subscribe to the channel to view our past upcoming content.


2nd Assembly of Disciples – Graduating Class 2020

On Monday December 14th, 2020, the AJC held our 2nd Assembly of Disciples at the Holy Spirit Empowerment Church, Claxton Bay. Here, six graduates received their Certificates of Completion for Program 1 – School Of Discipleship which spanned from September 2019 to June 2020. The sixth graduate, Wendy Charles, was unavoidably absent from the event and was missed.

A hearty congratulations to all who graduated and continue to press towards the mark of the high calling in Jesus Christ. Also, receiving Certificates of Completion were Pastors Wade Charles and Jamie Aleong-Charles who both have completed all academic programs at the AJC, together with Isiah Kimo Alcala (absent), with wife Sherene Benjamin-Alcala (absent) completing Program 2. Congratulations to All!

Fear Not – Focus on Him

The Bible gives two accounts in the gospels of Matthew (Ch.14 v.13-21) and Mark (Ch.8 v.1-9) of Jesus feeding multitudes with a few loaves of bread and some fish. The key to these miracles performed by the Lord is that He did not focus on what they lacked, but rather He focused on what they had, then did what seemed impossible.
Friends, in this time where there is much talk about sickness and death – endeavor to turn your attention to the good things that surround you. Appreciation of your blessings will create an atmosphere of well-being, give God thanks for those things. By focusing on what you have you foster an environment for the miraculous and impossible to take place.

Further to this, be challenged to do more than just give thanks but rather do whatever you can to make things better for your family, neighbor and country. Don’t focus on the cannots but push hard to do what you can.

Stay safe.


A TIME AND SEASON where one is authorized and launched out to do the work of the ministry as instructed by God. It is important that we understand activation; what it is, isn’t and the right way it should be done. This will help us to avoid burnout, miscarriages, ill-timed moves and various mishaps in the execution of our assignments and calling. Let us all be activated in the right way.

Source – Global Prophetic Ministries, Minister:- Bearl Yuille (Assistant Pastor, GPM). Dated – August 11,2 019.

Real Fathers

This transforming messaged is a must-listen to all men, and especially fathers. Dr Myles Munroe, a true torchbearer of this generation, dissects and brings potent revelation from the Mind of God in the realm of the spirit to us. Be blessed.

IPAC 2019 Conference – 11th Hour Accelereation TICKETS!

TICKET Locations for this event are AVAILABLE at these LOCATIONS! Call or email to register today – Phone 486-0708, Email gpmmsgs@gmail.com. EARLY BIRD prices for a limited time. The Academy of Jesus Christ will be at this event.

GPM May 19th – Who Are You?

Gain understanding and fresh revelation for this season, understand Who You Are from God’s perspective. Why did He create YOU and what are YOU capable of? For those HE foreknew, He predestined, called, justified and glorified. (Romans 8:29-30) 

Join Global Prophetic Ministries THIS SUNDAY May 19th, 2019 for Guest Speaker Pastor Ty Hutchinson from Ocala, Florida as he shares God’s Word with us. Time – 9:30am, 14 Rushworth Street, San Fernando. Come early, as seating is limited.

Death, Life and The Great Harvest

IN THESE LAST DAYS, the Lord is mobilizing His Church to press towards the mark of the high calling. To preach the gospel and gather as many souls as possible into His Kingdom, for His Return is very near. This message looks at God’s Plan of salvation for mankind from a different angle. I pray that you will be a dedicated laborer in the Great End-Time Harvest.

Credited to: Global Prophetic Ministries

Youth Event: ID:K

What is ID:K? Well, it doesn’t mean “I don’t know” as the Internet will tell you. Global Prophetic Ministries youth ministry Delta Force National Youth Movement presents the launch of their life changing series I-Dentity: King! For ages 16 to 35, register today to book your place; call 486-0708 or email gpmmsgs@gmail.com .  See facebook event for more details.

March Deliverance Service at GPM

In this season, where the Lord is raising up violent men and women of God to take the Kingdom, we need to know the strategies and skills that are required to effectively wage and win this spiritual war.

TODAY! At Global Prophetic Ministries, 14 Rushworth Street, San Fernando. Prophetic ministering from 5:30 to 6:30pm. Worship Service at 6:30pm. We will also be streaming live on Facebook from the Global Prophetic Ministries page.

The Valley of Death

As I was walking through an old, condemned building recently, the thought of it collapsing entered my mind together with the immediate analogy to the valley of the shadow of death (Psalms 23:4). Further revelation taught me that the valley spoken of here was a place that one was guaranteed to die. There was no escape, no hope and no salvation that can be seen. In the valley, death is sure – but God Continue reading “The Valley of Death”

Who is The True God

The word ‘god’ carries the meaning all sufficient one or self-sufficient being. A god does not need food, water, land, air, clothing, song, dance, ceremony or blood – that being exists in a want-less state, they don’t need anything to exist or be, they simply are what they choose to be.  The title of the Most High God belongs to the most powerful being and the one that has no equal. The Bible attributes this and many other names to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob also known as Jehovah, Elohim, Yahweh and the Heavenly Father. The same Elohim is known to be a spirit being and has interacted with mankind through the ages.

Continue reading “Who is The True God”

Prophetic & Deliverance Service – Feb 25th at GPM

Dr. Ricardo Vincent and the GPM Family invite you to come and be ministered to and delivered, receive spiritual insight into your life and what is happening in the nation. Receive your Miracle this Sunday February 25th, 2018 at Global Prophetic Ministries, 14 Rushworth Street, San Fernando.

Personal prophetic ministry run from 5:30 to 6:30pm. Then, Worship Service starts at 6:30pm. Don’t delay, God wants you to walk in your apostolic prophetic calling.

Sharpen Your Gift – Discipleship Training

Every disciple needs to constantly strive to be better and become wise and proficient in the things that God has called them to do. The scripture teaches us that “iron sharpens iron…” Prov. 27:17, therefore in order to stay sharp (and get sharper) we need to rub shoulders with those who are like-minded and focused on the target.

Global Prophetic Ministries is committed to training, edifying and discipling believers to reach their God-given potential. Every Thursday they have a Discipleship and Prophetic Mentorship service which starts at 6:30pm and is geared towards teaching persons to do the practical work of the ministry of their calling. Make it a date to be there. Call 486-0708 for more info or check our Facebook page. Check out the GPM Homepage.