School Of The Earth Fist Opens

The newest martial arts school of Trinidad and Tobago – The School of the Earth Fist will open on Tuesday April 30th, 2019 for classes in the brand new Earth Fist style of martial arts. The school will be led and taught by AJC founder, Sensei Bearl Yuille. It is also an affiliate of the AJC and offers special rates for all AJC disciples. Be sure to check it out.


In the life of the believer, repentance is a key component that unlocks treasures of righteousness in our life. The pull of worldly things beckon us on a daily basis, however, in order to fight them off, we must turn away from them. Resisting the god of this world will cause him to flee from us, however, there is another enemy within ourselves that we must also resist. As we learn about repentance, I hope that you are equipped to continually say ‘no’ to evil and ‘yes’ to God.