The Restoration of Order

It is the year 2017, and though chaos appears to be running rampant throughout the world, truly those with the eyes to see will perceive, know and understand the truth of what God is doing.

Amidst this age of financial turbulence, religious instability, sexual confusion, familial degradation, moral inversion, criminal freedom and spiritual starvation, there is still a truth Continue reading “The Restoration of Order”

IAPC 2017 – Ticket Locations

Be sure to get your tickets for this epic event soon. Seats are filling up! Follow us on Twitter (@globprophetic), Instagram (@gpmipac) and the  Facebook event page for updated information.

Ticket LocationsBook now!

IAPC 2017 Conference – Now, Heaven Is Here

All are invited to attend this life-changing event. Global Prophetic Ministries is once again hosting this year’s International Apostolic & Prophetic Conference at Trinity College East in Trincity on June 15th, 17th and 19th, 2017. Tickets are now available from committee members. You can also inquire on the facebook event page. See you there!

School of the Prophets – Training Course.

Global Prophetic Ministries is once again offering the School of the Prophets training seminar (which will take the form of five Saturday sessions).

2016 School of the ProphetsThe course will commence on Saturday Sept 24th, 2016.

There is a registration and material cost.

 TT $600. (All sessions)

click on the image to go to the facebook event for more information.

The venue will be at the Global Prophetic church building at #14 Rushworth St., San F’do.