2nd Assembly of Disciples – Graduating Class 2020

On Monday December 14th, 2020, the AJC held our 2nd Assembly of Disciples at the Holy Spirit Empowerment Church, Claxton Bay. Here, six graduates received their Certificates of Completion for Program 1 – School Of Discipleship which spanned from September 2019 to June 2020. The sixth graduate, Wendy Charles, was unavoidably absent from the event and was missed.

A hearty congratulations to all who graduated and continue to press towards the mark of the high calling in Jesus Christ. Also, receiving Certificates of Completion were Pastors Wade Charles and Jamie Aleong-Charles who both have completed all academic programs at the AJC, together with Isiah Kimo Alcala (absent), with wife Sherene Benjamin-Alcala (absent) completing Program 2. Congratulations to All!

School Of The Earth Fist Opens

The newest martial arts school of Trinidad and Tobago – The School of the Earth Fist will open on Tuesday April 30th, 2019 for classes in the brand new Earth Fist style of martial arts. The school will be led and taught by AJC founder, Sensei Bearl Yuille. It is also an affiliate of the AJC and offers special rates for all AJC disciples. Be sure to check it out.

What Is Man

The understanding of oneself is a treasure of a lifetime, mankind as a race was conceived and exists with great purpose and intent. This video dives into a holistic view of Man as a divinely-created being and shines light on how we are viewed by God. Also, how we need to see ourselves and others. Do enjoy. Questions and comments are welcomed.

September 2016 – CW Audio Recordings

new2All Camp of Winds recorded sessions for the month of September 2016 have been posted up. Please note that to access these, you will have to know the password for both the Disciple’s Portal and the Camp of Winds portal. When inside, you can simply go to the page.

Purpose and Benefits of Worship – Video

Dr Myles Munroe shares a timely revelation and teaching on worship in the Kingdom. This message also contains valuable insight into how we can improve our worship and relationship with God. It shines light on some things that we may have been doing wrong and propels your worship to a new level. Click here to go to the video page and give it a listen.


Media Page Added


The AJC website has just added a new page with pictures from events, audio recordings, videos and other useful media to the site. These can be accessed through the Media link in the menu at the top of the page. Stay tuned for more content as time passes. Feel free Continue reading “Media Page Added”

1st Assembly of Disciples

I would like to send out a heartfelt thanks once again for everyone who made The Academy of Jesus Christ‘s 1st Assembly of Disciples a success. From the those who took time from their schedules and traveled from Tobago to those who prepared items and helped with the program. A special thanks once again to Global Prophetic Ministries for the venue and support by the worship team and ushers, we could not have done it without you – much love to Apostles Dr. Ricardo & Kathleen Vincent.

Graduating Class pic

And congratulations to all those who graduated! Stay focus on the mark of the High calling in Christ.