In Me, As It Is In Heaven

There is a powerful shift in the land originating from the kingdom of God, are you ready for it?  This change will require disciples to check themselves and possibly change together with what’s happening. Our prayer for the Lord’s kingdom to come on earth should be directed within ourselves first before the manifestation takes place outside in the world. I hope that this message from Bearl Yuille blesses your heart and mind.

IAPC 2017 Conference – Now, Heaven Is Here

All are invited to attend this life-changing event. Global Prophetic Ministries is once again hosting this year’s International Apostolic & Prophetic Conference at Trinity College East in Trincity on June 15th, 17th and 19th, 2017. Tickets are now available from committee members. You can also inquire on the facebook event page. See you there!

Stewardship & Purpose – Os Guinness

In a day when man live primarily for their own desires, the message unfolded by the prolific speaker Os Guinness shatters many high level world views to remind us that the reason for Man; is God. We are here for his service and to do that which we were created for, anything else can be viewed as deviant from purpose and failure on our part individually or collectively.

Be blessed by the preceding video.

The Race of Saints

“Why am I here?” is the question that challenges one’s purpose for existence and speaks to our beginning, our journey and our ultimate fate. Doubt and uncertainty often come to cloud the mind, leading us to speculate upon possible outcomes to our story, however, knowing and having a tangible relationship with Jesus solves this problem. The revelatory truth of the bible declares to us that “in him was life; and Continue reading “The Race of Saints”

New Year Greetings from the AJC

It is a time of war and a time of conflict, however, regardless of circumstance one should strive that there be no conflict within oneself. In this world, I pray that you have peace amidst the storms of chaos that swirl around us.

Where there was once unity; lines are now being drawn – the separation of the wheat and the tears. As the Lord has taught us Continue reading “New Year Greetings from the AJC”

Far Beyond Measure – GPM – Dec 31st, 2016

Come down to Global Prophetic Ministries on Saturday December 31st, 2016 at 9:30pm for an apostolic- prophetic entry into the new year as we venture into a realm where the3 blessings are Fr Beyond Measure.

Merry Christmas 2016

Celebrating the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ by remembering and honoring the sacrifice that He was born to make for us.

Let there be peace on earth and goodwill towards all men.

Happy Christmas greetings from the AJC!

Creating Your Future – Trista Sue Kragh

Seasons Greetings to all disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ. Special blessings to those who are actively advancing and teaching the Kingdom, grace be unto you that you neither faint not in your good works done in love and unto God.

As we look to a new year, I found this video to contain some simple but powerful nuggets that can be helpful in focusing on your vision in Christ for the new year. Good preparation increases your focus and chances at victory. Do enjoy – Note: Teaching on video starts at 2:15.

The Interpretation of Tongues

Heavenly languages proliferate many church services on any given day. Numerous mysteries are spoken in a myriad of tongues through the spiritual baptism in the Holy Ghost. These utterances carry prophecies, words of encouragement, praise, divine instruction and personal spiritual edification to name some. However, the understanding of such messages is often lost because the conscious mind is unable to grasp the virtue encapsulated in them. Continue reading “The Interpretation of Tongues”

Prophetic Activation and Discipleship

gpm-logoGlobal Prophetic Ministries has now modified their Thursday evening service to include prophetic activation and instruction to all persons wishing to receive such training. Apostle Ricardo is extending this invitation to believers so inclined and has provided an environment for all to learn more and practice using their spiritual gifts. The Prophetic Activation and Discipleship service starts at 6:30pm every Thursday and takes place at the church building at #14 Rushworth Street, San Fernando. FREE of charge!

Little by Little

All disciples are created with purpose and called to serve in different capacities unto the Kingdom of Heaven. Our Comforter, the Holy Spirit, guides us into all truth and teaches us to walk according to our gifts and calling. Jesus was perfect unto death and set an example for us to follow in all areas of ministry; He admonishes us to walk in like manner after Him. However, this spiritual walk is new and strange to us and seems an insurmountable task at times to walk as He did.

Every great accomplishment had a simple beginning. As every human being starts off as a single fertilized egg, so too, great achievements often Continue reading “Little by Little”

Please Watch My Back

The Prayer of Supplication – Many instances in the bible talk about making supplication onto God for oneself or others, I have always been curious as to what it truly means. The meaning of supplication is – to ask for something earnestly and humbly (some definitions say ‘beg’ but I don’t endorse begging). Also, the root word ‘supple’ carries the meaning of being flexible, pliable and of little resistance. This prayer Continue reading “Please Watch My Back”

Apostolic Service – Oct 16th GPM

14524377_10209418082080845_2108780571879015229_oAn evening of apostolic and prophetic impartation is carded for Sunday October 16th, 2016 at 5:30pm at Global Prophetic Ministries – 14 Rushworth Street, San Fernando.

September 2016 – CW Audio Recordings

new2All Camp of Winds recorded sessions for the month of September 2016 have been posted up. Please note that to access these, you will have to know the password for both the Disciple’s Portal and the Camp of Winds portal. When inside, you can simply go to the page.

Purpose and Benefits of Worship – Video

Dr Myles Munroe shares a timely revelation and teaching on worship in the Kingdom. This message also contains valuable insight into how we can improve our worship and relationship with God. It shines light on some things that we may have been doing wrong and propels your worship to a new level. Click here to go to the video page and give it a listen.
