The AJC family sends warm greetings, prayers and blessings from God the Father, Our Lord and Master Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to you and loved ones. We pray that 2019 will be a blessing and a time of upward and forward movement for everyone as we look to Jesus as the Author and Finisher of our faith. Peace, love, goodwill and prosperity to all.
Author: AJC Maestro
Remember Jesus
Greetings of the season to one and all from The Academy of Jesus Christ. It is our firm desire that everyone come to know the peace, love, joy and good news that Jesus brings in every aspect of our lives. As the world celebrates Christmas, we pray that you remember Jesus as the foremost thing. The food is eaten, the decorations are changed, the songs as sung and traditions come and go, however, Jesus never changes and is ever-seeking disciples to join his fold. So before, during and even after all the festivities, I sincerely hope that you – remember Jesus.
Secure Your Life
Pastor Vladimir Savchuk outlines ten doors/windows that the enemy uses to gain access into your life to cause damage and chaos. Take heed to this timely warning and guard diligently against them.
Teaching on Genuine Conversion
Total CONVERSION is key to becoming a true disciple of Christ, whereas partial commitment will cause us to not make the cut. This message is target at those who are committed to becoming fruitful citizens of the Kingdom of God. However, desire and zeal are not enough to walk the walk, we need to be converted so that the devil will no longer have any hold on us. We pray that you receive and are enlightened in some way from this message.
Why Are You Afraid
On August 21st, 2018, my home country of Trinidad and Tobago was struck by a 6.9 magnitude earthquake in the late afternoon. The news reported that Venezuela endured a 7.3 magnitude of the same quake; with the epicenter being on their coast. Immediately, a flood of messages and videos filled social media of persons running, screaming and surveying while the one-minute disaster occurred. Some enjoyed it, some waited calmly for it to subside, others hunted to get information as soon as they could and many were fearful and panicked – thankfully, no lives were lost. However, the underlying sentiment remained that of anxiety. This made me curious and begged the question, ‘why are you afraid?’
The Answer – because their trust and salvation is not in the Lord.
As was declared in Psalms 27:1, “The LORD is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear.” Regardless of the disaster, those who have faith in the Lord are better off than those who are unsure of their destiny. To be sure of one’s destiny, trust in God through Jesus Christ is an absolute must. As Jesus clearly pointed to his disciples when they awoke him from sleep during a tumultuous storm; he asked, “Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith?” – Matthew 8:26. It was a question that needed no answer, for he was declaring to them and us that once he (Jesus) is with them, they need not be fearful – no matter the situation or disaster. The same applies to all of us.
There is no reason to be afraid, shaken or fearful once you put your faith and trust in the Lord Jesus. Disasters will not rattle you when you truly walk with him, he will not forsake you but be with you until the end. Selah.
The Virtues of Confession in God’s Kingdom
In this message, we explore a biblical perspective of confession and its relation to living a righteous life in the kingdom of God. There are three applications of confession identified 1) confession of sin 2) confession of righteousness and 3) Godly confession. This message looks at the confession of King David versus the Apostle Peter, listen and learn about the benefits of righteous confession. NOTE: Please note that the audio is somewhat low, so you may need to turn up your volume.
Location – Global Prophetic Ministries, San Fernando, Trinidad & Tobago. Credits: Dr. Ricardo N. Vincent, Senior Apostle, Global Prophetic Ministries. Minister – Bearl Yuille. Date – Sept 6th, 2018.
New Season! – AJC Prayer Breakfast
The Academy of Jesus Christ gives thanks and praise to the Lord for all the great things he has done. For he has kept us and blessed us up to this time, and we trust him to continue doing so in the future. On August 31st, 2018, the AJC held their 2018 Prayer Breakfast together with our special guest and covering apostle Dr. Ricardo Vincent. As we look forward to the next season, we give thanks for what he is going to do in and through us. Hallelujah.
Apostolic Prophetic Training – SOTP 2018 at GPM
Essential Principles of the Kingdom for Disciples
This timely message is packed with potent, kingdom truth that all disciples ought to meditate on. Dr. Myles Munroe has been mightily used by God to reveal and reintroduce the true Kingdom of God and Heaven to the earth. Do enjoy and be edified.
Healing & Deliverance Seminar – GPM Sept 21-23, 2018
Register now for this seminar! Learn to use and minister healing to others. This September 21st to 23rd, 2018 at Global Prophetic Ministries, 14 Rushworth Street, San Fernando at 7:00pm nightly. Dr. Oral Hazel from the US Virgin Islands will be here to minister for this apostolic-prophetic event. Be sure to indicate your willingness to attend on the Facebook event page or call 468-0708, or email See costs at bottom of flyer.
Marriage & Relationships Seminar 2018
Global Prophetic Ministries continues to address critical kingdom issues as part of their mandate to advance the move of the Kingdom of God in the earth. On June 15th and 16th, 2018 GPM will be hosting It’s Time To Find Purpose – Doing It Right! – a marriage and relationship seminar targeted to singles thinking about marriage, couples in relationships and married couples alike. Halt the divorce rate in churches by learning the reasons and right motives for relationships and marriage. Feature speakers from Barbados – Apostle Mark and Prophetess Richelle White, also with Apostles Dr. Ricardo and Kathleen Vincent and Pastor Douglas and Myrna Gibson from Trinidad & Tobago.
Inspired teaching, panel discussions, anointed worship, apostolic declarations, prophetic ministry and more.
Register NOW!! As space is limited.
COST- TT $300 for 1 day, TT $500 for both days. Call 486-0708 or email gpmmsgs@gmail to book your spot!
Be Unmovable
1 Corinthians 15:58
“My beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord”
The Armor of God
As the disciple ventures into the world of spiritual warfare, it is important to be properly equipped and prepared for what one has to face. God, through the Apostle Paul, has given us the seven spiritual virtues that makes up the Armor of God that empower us to step out with confidence on the spiritual battlefield. The spiritual warrior ought to strive to always be in a constant state of readiness, hence the donning of the armor of God becomes a daily virtue and practice in itself. Do enjoy.
God’s Commitment
Philippians 2:13 “For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.”
Almost every person has, at one point in time or the other, come to the conclusion that life is not easy. The journey takes much effort and fortitude to accomplish those things that we want to do. However, for the disciple, we have the advantage. Paul tells us here that even after God redeems us and cleans us up subsequent to bringing us into his family; he continues to work on us daily to bring about the changes we need.
This verse in Philippians says that his Spirit is continually working in us to motivate us through Godly desire and also empowers us to tackle any difficult task that lies before us. For those of us who have discovered or are in the process of discovering our calling in life and in the kingdom of God – it is often intimidating and foreboding what is being asked of us. However, God is always with us (even when we don’t feel him) to point, show, guide, teach, mentor, empower and accomplish that which he commands. When we obey, we become one with the Word of God and anything that he sends forth his word to do – it will be accomplished.
Seminar – Decoding the Meaning of Dreams II
RESCHEDULED TO Saturday MAY 5th, 2018
Dr Ricardo Vincent and the GPM family are bringing you another information-filled event where you can learn the skill of Decoding the Meaning of Dreams. God constantly speaks to us, one of the most effective ways in which he does so is through dreams. However, do we understand what he is trying to say? This seminar will equip you with the knowledge and insight to easily find out the meaning of your dreams. Venue – Global Prophetic Ministries, 14 Rushworth Street, San Fernando. Link to Facebook event page. Registration cost – TT $250, email to register or call.Daniel 2:28 “But there is a God in heaven that revealeth secrets, and maketh known to the king Nebuchadnezzar what shall be in the latter days. Thy dream, and the visions of thy head upon thy bed, are these”