Who is The True God

The word ‘god’ carries the meaning all sufficient one or self-sufficient being. A god does not need food, water, land, air, clothing, song, dance, ceremony or blood – that being exists in a want-less state, they don’t need anything to exist or be, they simply are what they choose to be.  The title of the Most High God belongs to the most powerful being and the one that has no equal. The Bible attributes this and many other names to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob also known as Jehovah, Elohim, Yahweh and the Heavenly Father. The same Elohim is known to be a spirit being and has interacted with mankind through the ages.

The Bible tells us that in days of past, Jehovah chose Israel as a nation and his people through the covenant he forged with Abraham. However, during the time of Samuel the prophet, the children of Israel asked for an earthly king. The biblical accounts report that the Lord God delivered them from slavery, feed them manna, gave them water and protected them from attack and sickness, even caused their apparel last throughout their journey. Then, Israel cried out for a king thereby rejecting God as their ruler because they wanted to be like other nations. Often, amidst all the blessing, people find a way to focus on a fault and magnify it. If the Almighty God is who he says he is, then it means that he sustains all things; living and non-living and lacks nothing. Another attribute of the most powerful God is that ‘he’ has the power to bless abundantly and is a giver of life. This introduces the logic-defying question of why would you reject someone who meets your every need for someone who cannot?

The answer is deception – you were deceived by another person or doctrine to believe that God didn’t have what you needed or doesn’t want to give it to you #Adam&Eve. According to biblical and historical evidence, this is very far from the truth – which leads us to further questions. Are we so estranged from God that we don’t believe he will bless us? Do people know what blessing looks like?  Or are we not sure how exactly to go about accessing these blessings? And why are you settling for mediocre when you could have abundance and peace? There are many religions and beliefs that make the claim of having at least one deity or god. Of these, there is a high price for loyalty and the demands on the followers take much away from them, the demonic entities that are setup behind false religions bleed the life and essence from men and women; even to the point of invading their bodies. Surely, the sustenance is not meant for the followers, but rather to the false god, because if they were a true god then they would not need sustenance.

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