The Restoration of Order

It is the year 2017, and though chaos appears to be running rampant throughout the world, truly those with the eyes to see will perceive, know and understand the truth of what God is doing.

Amidst this age of financial turbulence, religious instability, sexual confusion, familial degradation, moral inversion, criminal freedom and spiritual starvation, there is still a truth and a place that stands strong despite what may come which is the Kingdom of God. The kingdom is the ark for mankind and the lifeline amidst the tumultuous storms the world now faces. Despite what our history tells us, salvation has no religious complexion. Religion has no power to save anyone and believing that it can lead you to God is futile, only God can lead you to God.

The kingdom encompasses all created things, seen and unseen, and belongs to God forever. It is ruled by his word which is the law that all things and beings must obey. When God gave mankind stewardship of the Earth, it was still his property. However, when Satan and his angelic band of outcasts came, they deceived mankind and stole dominion, after which followed centuries of sin, chaos and all manner of evil and thus, the kingdom of darkness was established. The devastating effects of this kingdom and its systems ensnared the race of Man to damnation. Furthermore, because of this satanic kingdom,  Earth deviated from the king’s laws and desires, therefore heaven step in to make things right.

Jesus, the Prince of Heaven, entered the world and reclaimed the Earth, hence reigniting heavenly rule and dominion through the cross. Since then, the church has been his representatives on Earth and have been expanding their godly influence. The kingdom of darkness has not taken this well and the state of the world today is the evidence of their attempt to destroy what they cannot have. However, the time is upon us that God is restoring all things in the Earth as they should be; as intended from the beginning by the ruler of all creation. The kingdom of darkness shall be no more and all that trust in it and the systems thereof will perish with it. There may be those that are skeptical of these words, but just take anything that comes to mind and look at its beginning then look at the end of it, observation will infer that those things that endure are from God and not of darkness.

Now, I invite you to look at the world anew with the knowledge that the Lord is restoring the state of it according to his will as indicated by the scriptures, noting that many things need to be broken before they can be restored. The truth is, there is no Trump nor Putin, no real national or international boundaries, no democrat or republican, leftist or right-wing, no black nor white – there are only the kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness; with those that believe and those that do not.

God’s order is coming as told by Jesus and many others, have you made preparations for it?

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