The Race of Saints

“Why am I here?” is the question that challenges one’s purpose for existence and speaks to our beginning, our journey and our ultimate fate. Doubt and uncertainty often come to cloud the mind, leading us to speculate upon possible outcomes to our story, however, knowing and having a tangible relationship with Jesus solves this problem. The revelatory truth of the bible declares to us that “in him was life; and the life was the light of men.” Doubt is darkness – one which is shattered when we learn of our purpose for being and receive this life together with the light that it carries. Those that carry the light bear his nature and also become the light that illuminates the world; the same are hence stewards of a most precious gift that is able to make whole anything broken in man. These sons and daughters of God through sanctification and dedication to their purpose become the saints of the kingdom of our Lord, fueled by their purpose to shine their light wherever they go.

This race of saints is set apart by God to go forth as they are sent – but go forth and do what? The answer is simple – to go forth and do the work that they were purposed, created, shaped and molded for, good works. The genesis of our world began with light, seas, vegetation, beasts of the air, land and water and finally man – and heaven declared that it was good. Then came the fall, and all that was good upon the earth was perverted, marred and thrown into chaos by fallen angels – echoing their enmity with the kingdom of heaven (of which man was a part thereof). As man’s disobedience poisoned him with sin and death, he and his lineage became an enemy of the throne and bound to a fate of destruction. Until the day salvation came through the undeserved act of love from a most benevolent God. However, individually, each man has to choose this salvation and forsake a world and system that brings perpetual evil and death.

As the restoration of life takes place, it is not for us to sit idly by whilst our saintly work waits. Now, that we have been redeemed and are in right standing with the throne of heaven our assignments stand before us. Simply put, we become his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God has ordained for us to walk in them. As long as evil exists, the call upon God’s saints remains – the perpetuation of the light throughout the world and the performing of good works as demonstrated by our Lord, Jesus.

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