New Year Greetings from the AJC

It is a time of war and a time of conflict, however, regardless of circumstance one should strive that there be no conflict within oneself. In this world, I pray that you have peace amidst the storms of chaos that swirl around us.

Where there was once unity; lines are now being drawn – the separation of the wheat and the tears. As the Lord has taught us, being in the world is not being of the world. Although it may seem that conflict, peril and uncertainty dwell on every side; it is not so in the Kingdom of God. The Lord has left His Peace with us, but we must apprehend that peace by letting His Word abide within us – worrying about things is a good way of pushing out His Word. This time demands that you chose the words that will abide in you and those which will abide in you – you cannot believe God and the world at the same time. A choice must be made. I have chosen God and He has chosen me.

In 2017, I wish you peace but you must take hold of it. I wish you joy but you must also treasure it by living it. I wish you prosperity but it can only be found in fulfilling your purpose. I wish you life everlasting which can only be found through Jesus Christ. May the Lord bless you, and keep you, may He make His Face to shine upon you and I pray that by wisdom you make the right choices for this year and the future to come. Shalom.

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