The Interpretation of Tongues

Heavenly languages proliferate many church services on any given day. Numerous mysteries are spoken in a myriad of tongues through the spiritual baptism in the Holy Ghost. These utterances carry prophecies, words of encouragement, praise, divine instruction and personal spiritual edification to name some. However, the understanding of such messages is often lost because the conscious mind is unable to grasp the virtue encapsulated in them. The interpretation of tongues is the Lord’s gift to His church to address such situations whereby they can decipher these spiritual words.

A clarification between translation and interpretation ought to be made in order to truly grasp how this gift operates. Translation speaks about the word-for-word conversion of a message from one language to another; however, interpretation works by first understanding the essence of what is said and relaying the holistic message to the hearer in a simple, easy-to-follow format. The apostle Paul encouraged us to not only speak in tongues but also to interpret, (1 Cor. 14:13) thereby gaining the greater edification for the entire body.

In the spiritual application, the disciple gains understanding and revelation of the spoken message through the Holy Ghost, they then speak forth what the message is intended to convey to the audience. By this, the meaning thereof is gained and more accurately so because it comes from a direct, spiritual source. Hence, whether it be tongues of men or of angels, the Spirit of Truth knows them all and can help you to understand and interpret.

In times such as these, God has poured out many gifts upon His people and greater power is being released. Gifts such as this which were once few and far between are now manifesting more frequently and are at the command of an understanding church. Step forth, speak boldly with faith and show the world that the Kingdom of Heaven is here.

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